Thursday, January 15, 2009


Vasco has been hibernating because it is so cold in Hong Kong! When Vasco thinks it's cold, he is complaining that the temperature has dropped below 15 degree Celsius...this is very cold by a little city hedgehog's standard. Alice's friend, Stephan, just emailed her some photos from Berlin...covered in snow! Fortunately, Stephan is also complaining about the cold weather (and the cold and flu that is around)! It seems that everyone is suffering! Vasco hopes that his students will get well really soon!

Well, Vasco decided that he is going to stay really close to his heater...but he is real careful that he doesn't burn his little toes...


micheliny verunschk said...

Hi, Alice! It is exactly fascinating to accompany the development of another human being. It is an only chance.

The traditional stories of fairy are an incredible compassing for the intellectual and emotional accompaniment of the child. I have learned very!

Thanks for the visit! Great hug!

Mauricio said...

Hi Alice,

Thanks for your comments regarding the fruits picture that you saw in my BLOG.
I took a look in your BLOG and liked very much.
Big huge to you and Vasco.

At the end of this month I will travel to Jakarta - Indonésia and I will take a lot of pictures and include in my BLOG.
take a look there !

Keep posting

Regards from Brazil