Friday, October 31, 2008

Picnic......and hairy crabs

Vasco ran into a hyper-active little dog last night. Last time Vasco met him, about 6 months ago, Picnic was about 1 year old. Now, Picnic hasn't grown much in the last 6 months. But his head seems to be a bit bigger. He is extremely excited and always very cheerful. He is very good at making that whiny sound at dinner table...hoping you will feel sorry and share your dinner.

Vasco is not sure about regular dinner, but last night, he feasted on hairy crabs...
Vasco witnessed Alice wolfing down 4.5 hairy crabs...and Phil was feeling a bit dizzy. He said he will be happy if he doesn't see another crab for the rest of the year. Alice just sucked on every little bits and she said the crabs were finger-licking good!

Vasco, like Phil, can't see the point of sucking those shells for the small amount of meat...Alice sang the hairy crabs song all the way home...

1 comment:

adela said...

hairy crabs, hairy crabs, hairy crabs.......